Hurley Elder Care Law
Elder Care Attorney, Asset Protection, Estate Planning
* Life Care Planning
* Estate Planning & Elder Law
* Business Planning
* Real Estate
* Veterans Benefits Aid
Hurley Elder Care Law, located in Atlanta, GA, is dedicated to the process of long-term care and estate planning. It was founded by Miles Hurley in response to what he identified as a growing need for families and individuals to address concerns surrounding getting older.
Hurley Elder Care is committed to making the process of planning for the future—our own and that of those we love—as pain-free as possible. The firm holds that philosophy that dedicated customer service and individual attention can actually make this difficult process empowering and even rewarding.
Hurley Elder Care can provide legal services in Georgia. They offer services in the following areas of practice:
* Estate and Tax Planning
* Wills, Probate and Estate Administration
* Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts
* Special Needs Trusts
* Durable Financial Powers of Attorney
* Durable Medical Powers of Attorney
* Real Property
* Guardianship
* Living Wills
* Health Law
* Independent Living Options
* Nursing Home Issues
* Financing Long-Term Healthcare
* Medicare, Medicaid, and SSI Issues
Hurley Elder Care Law
100 Galleria Pkwy #1345
Atlanta GA 30339
Tel: 404 843-0121
Fax: 404 843-0129
